A Little Bit About Me...


Thank you so much for visiting my site and for taking the time to visit this section. xx

My name is Mel, I am nature loving adventure seeker and explorer whose art is inspired by the outdoor world in which I love to be immersed, combined with it being a huge benefit to my mental health... both nature and art are the key ingredients in keeping my brain super happy xx

So my background story...

I loved art when I was a child but after being told I wasn't good at art by a Teacher I didn't touch a pencil, brush or anything else again until I lost my little brother in a car accident approx 20yrs later. At the time I didn't make the connection of arts benefits for people's mental health, I was just following what was helping with the grief and all the emotions that were coming up. 

I also suffer from PTSD from numerous other traumatic events throughout my entire life and no matter how much I am positive and uplifting there are certain triggers and moments that can only be helped with outlets such as art, nature and meditation. I am very thankful I have found what keeps me balanced and happy because it is a super lonely journey and for anyone out there going through a tough patch, I see you and I feel where are you at, please know as much as you are so alone right now you will ride out of it and be in the light again soon. xx

So my mission to create inspiring message with my art that will uplift and make someones day a bit brighter and do this through the outdoor sports I love. 

Sending a hug of positivity to you. Enjoy this day and do something that makes you smile. xx


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